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Transform Your Space and Mind with Buddy

Discover the next level of relaxation with Buddy, your personal wellness companion. Immerse yourself in its calming hues to enhance your home's atmosphere and your mental clarity. It's the perfect blend of design and mindfulness.

Your Buddy Trio

Meet Arvin, Puppy, and Teddy

Calm, Thoughtful, and Reliable
Your go-to Buddy with tranquil energy like a stroll in the park on a nice fall morning.
Find your Perfect Buddy
Playful, energetic,
and loyal
Your faithful companion brings you joy to every room.
Find your Perfect Buddy
Soft, Cuddly, and Supportive
Your nostalgic teddy bear offers a sense of support and security.
Find your Perfect Buddy
Promoting mental well-being through designed-oriented products, creating emotional comfort and interconnectedness between the user and our products. This makes our products more than just another object in your home.
Those who seek mental wellness products should not be put off by the attention it might bring. We create mental wellness products that are subtle and integrates seamlessly into your space.
Promoting mental well-being through designed-oriented products, creating emotional comfort and interconnectedness between the user and our products. This makes our products more than just another object in your home.
More than just a lamp

Day Time Stress Relieving, Night Time Relaxation

Your Buddy, Your atmosphere—Customize your lamp settings to reflect your preferences. Whether you need an energetic boost during the day or a calming ambiance at night, Buddy Lamps adapt to your unique needs, ensuring that your space evolves with you.
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Your Space, Your Colors

Express yourself and tailor Your Atmosphere Just For You

The ability to customize light colors allows you to curate the perfect ambiance for different activities, ensuring that your space adapts to your needs.
Pastel Sunset
Pastel Sunset
Cool Rose
Cool Rose
Mauve Glow
Mauve Glow
Lilac Sky
Lilac Sky
Cerulean Blue
Cerulean Blue
Pastel Sunrise
Pastel Sunrise
Warm White
Warm White
Soft White
Soft White
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A Closer Look: Behind our Buddies

Buddy lamp functions are kept simple to maximize the user experience. All lamps uses a USBC charging port to charge the lamps and can be kept plugged in if desired.The light colors can be changed by rotating the toy-like winding key whilst pressing the key will allow the user to choose between three brightness settings.
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Rotate key to change light color.
Press and hold key to turn light on.
Short press to adjust brightness.
USB-C Charging Port